Our instruments
Benchtop analyser
Combined XRD-XRF discrete analysis :
- Speed: Synergy between two instruments for fast, coordinated XRD-XRF and Raman analysis.
- Versatility: Adaptability for in-depth or independent analyses, offering precise chemical and mineralogical characterisation.
- Automation and accuracy: An automated data workflow that guarantees detailed, accurate analyses in 20 minutes per sample, without compromising quality.

Drill core scanner
Morphological, chemical and mineralogical analysis:
- Efficiency: Able to carry out continuous analyses thanks to its multi-sensor scanner, reducing the time required for analyses in the field.
- Flexibility: Offers the possibility of integrating different sensors according to specific analysis needs, enabling adaptable and comprehensive geological exploration.
- Intelligence and precision: Uses artificial intelligence software for data processing and analysis, ensuring accurate results for fast, informed decision-making in geological exploration.